Film Review by Fiore

A while ago, BPTV
Director Dave Cable lent me a comic series called The Avengers Ultimate. It
presented the superheroes comprising the Avengers as tragically blemished
people. I was not impressed with the
series, though I understand it was well received and serves as the foundation
for many of the Marvel films.
As for the X-Men, I’ve stated repeatedly I truly enjoyed
Brian Singer’s initial trilogy. I have
not cared for any of the other seven films.
The prequels were dauntingly boring and kept quality stars like
Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy from better projects. The two solo Wolverine films were
mind-numbingly insipid.
When it comes to the X-Men, Wolverine is the second-best
character. The first is unquestionably
Mystique as played by Rebecca Romijn, not Jennifer Lawrence. If I could have any of the X-Men super
powers, it would be hers. Wolverine runs
a close second. As played by Hugh Jackman,
he embodies all the essential male qualities feminists hate.
Now, all that background should provide my mindset as I
entered the press screening for LOGAN. The film is billed as the final Wolverine
flick, as Hugh Jackman is a bit too long in the tooth to continue jumping
around like a crazed animal. I
desperately wanted LOGAN to be Jackman’s epic swansong; something that would let
one of the best X-Men go out with style and dignity. What I received instead was a meandering
movie that featured Wolverine sleeping most of the time, and whining like a PMS
woman the rest of the time.
The year is 2029 and all the mutants have been eliminated;
all except for Wolverine and Professor X, Charles Xavier, again played by
Patrick Stewart. Here is the first of LOGAN’s
many inconsistencies. The last we saw of
Charles, he was disassembled into atoms by a psychotic Jean Grey, who had
manifested as Phoenix. True, after the
credits, Charles’ essence appeared in the body of a comatose quadriplegic, but,
how did he become Patrick Stewart again?
There is no explanation and viewers, as well as fan boys, are supposed
to ignore previous plot lines and just accept this scenario as a given. That is shoddy script writing, at best.

Perhaps I’m injecting too much into what is essentially a
comic book, but since all the current graphic novel authors consider themselves
to be the pinnacle of social engineers, how is it Logan, and everyone else, can
cross the Mexican border without impunity?
There is no wall, and apparently, no extreme vetting, so, what
happened? Open borders by 2029? Does not seem likely, unless there is a
progressive revolution. If there is,
then why did the progressives kill all the mutants? That certainly does not hold to the mantra of
tolerance and acceptance. The year 2029,
in sci-fi/fantasy lore, is also the year Cyberdyne began its world conquest,
forcing mankind to rely on one John Connor to prevent the rise of the
machines. Yet, 2029 in LOGAN
looks like downtown LA. The cars,
buildings, cities, restaurants and fashion all appear as if in present
time. A tale set in the future, should
have some futuristic elements to it, even if it is a different future as
depicted in the TERMINATOR series.
For antagonists, naturally, it’s the greedy, corrupt
military complex under the Transigen moniker. Without mutants, they have decided to create
their own mutants in laboratories, to be used as weapons. Is there really
nothing original for a storyline? This
one is so clichéd, no one flinches when it is revealed. Richard Grant plays Zander Rice, the mad
scientist trying to make home-made mutants; and Boyd Holbrook is Donald Pierce
who is the muscle for Transigen.
The fulcrum for the tale is Laura, a mutant child who has
escaped the lab and is seeking asylum in Canada. She is played by Dafne Keen. There is no
explanation why our neighbors in the Great White North are suddenly a sanctuary
country for mutants. Laura was grown in a lab, and you’ll never guess whose DNA
they used to format her. Obviously, she
seeks Logan for assistance in her trek. Keen acts like so many irritating child
characters in film today. She is a brat
and by the third reel, you’re hoping someone will have the decency to kill her.

Micale McCusker and Dirk Westervett prove once again too
many editors spoil the production. LOGAN
drags in the second act, with many repetitious or unnecessary scenes; like the
bathroom fiasco. Clocking in at two
hours and fifteen minutes, the film is easily 45 minutes too long. There is, however, a solid soundtrack by
Marco Beltrami, who continues to be a Hollywood stalwart.
Let’s take a look at the report card for LOGAN:
features heroes, who are not heroic.
Superheroes in old age may not be pretty, but there should be some
consistency with the personas they’ve established. For example:
How is it Professor X cannot control his mind from wiping out an entire
casino, yet he can control a herd of horses?
strictly for the fanboys who like to see their heroes humiliated. The movie is morbid and morose and not
assembled well enough to make those qualities viable. Jackman is gone; with luck, I’ll be able to soon
say the same about the entire X-Men franchise. It has not been worthwhile since
Singer’s third film.
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