Film Review by Fiore
business kids making movies of themselves.
You know they don’t give a fuck about anybody else. It’s outrageous.”
– steely dan
Rough quote to begin a film review, but more than
apropos for CARDINAL X, an autobiographic film from first time filmmaker
Angie Wang. They tell you in writing
class to always write about something you know.
When filmmakers create movies about their own lives, it seems like the
worst type of conceit. It begs the
question, is your life the only thing you know, and what makes you think it’s
so important it needs to be a movie? In
addition, the story always seems to go through a whitewashing, bleached by the
individual’s own version of events.

Angie, played by Annie Q, is raised by her
father. He is a simple man who works in
a nearby Chinese restaurant. Angie’s
mother was apparently a slut. She
cheated on her husband and was banned from the house when he discovered her
deceit. She married another man, a
“white”man, who abuses Angie during her visits.
When she attempts to tell her mother, she is beaten. Despite the tramp like behaviors of her
mother, her father is painted as a cause of Angie’s sordid past because he was
a strict disciplinarian. Ironically, he
is the first person she runs to when the bottom falls out, and the only one who
constantly supports her.
Angie is accepted into a prestigious university, and
opts to attend, despite her father’s objections that the school is too
expensive. When tuition is due and her
father cannot pay the full tab, Angie resorts to a BREAKING BAD solution and
creates a powerful form of Ecstasy which she begins distributing for enough
money to pay her schooling and live la vida loca.
Her one tie to her roots is Bree, played by Aalyrah
Caldwell, a young black girl for whom Angie is a Big Sister. Bree is the product of the life progressive
liberals created for minorities. Her
mother, Anita, played by Yetide Badaki, is a black, single parent crack whore. Angie
has a strong compassion for Bree, yet is hypocritical enough not to notice, or
care, that the cause of Bree’s problems is the drug environment she herself is
using for monetary gain. The story
reveals urban blacks caught in the drug market are victims, while it is
perfectly fine and possibly justified to make and sell drugs to rich white
kids. This is a vile form of racism.
After she causes the death of her friend Tommy,
played by Scott Keiji Takeda, Angie confesses to her drug operation and is
tossed out of school. She is forced to
pay restitution to the university, but, surprisingly, she is not arrested, nor
is there any jail time for being one of the biggest drug dealers in
California. CARDINAL X does not
detail how Angie managed that magic trick.
All viewers know, is that after paying back her university fees, she
returns home to her loving father and becomes a social worker. All is well that ends well, but it seems a
large part of this story is glossed over.
The problem is the
perception of the film. Angie Wang shows
us her sexual promiscuity, including a drunken orgy and a threesome, and
explains her revealing of these sex acts is an act of “woman empowerment”. Yeah, I raised my eyebrows on that one, too.
Let’s take a look at the
report card for CARDINAL X:
1.2 ACTING = D
1.7 SCRIPT = F
1.8 SFX = D
1.9 ACTION = D
Technically, CARDINAL X
has the look of an indie film. Most of
the scenes are dark and grainy. The
dialogue at times is stilted, and though it only happens in one sequence, jump
cuts are used. Right now, after reading
that, over 3,500 of my former TV/Film Production students just performed a face
While I’m glad Angie
Wang’s life turned out for the better, this first endeavor does not set any
glimmer of future celluloid greatness. CARDINAL
X will appeal to the sorry sods who are filled with white guilt for crimes they
did not commit, and for those seeking additional government funds
for their non-profit organizations.
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