Film Review by Fiore

The film begins with the premise America is
responsible for killing innocents in the Middle East. There is no mention, of
course, of how terrorist, especially members of ISIS, use civilians, especially
children, as shields and barriers. The
specific focus is on armed drones, and how they rain death from the sky.
It also supports government classified leaks as a
means of bringing America to justice. Certainly,
this film will make James Comey proud.
Not content with sounding like the idiotic ideology
of Californians, DRONE further supports infidelity in marriages, ignoring the
elderly and alibiing terrorist attacks.
Frankly, there isn’t a theme DRONE presents that any true
American would agree with; perhaps that’s why it was made in Canada, with the
help of the Vancouver Film School.
Sean Bean plays Neil Wistin. He is an independent contractor charged with
flying drones that seek out and destroy members of ISIS. Patrick Sabongui plays Imir Shaw, a Pakistani
whose family is killed in a drone attack that eliminated a key ISIS bomb
maker. Conveniently, there is a government leak
which outs strategic members of the War on Terror and Wistin happens to be one
of the names on the list. Imir, rather
than blowing up a teen concert, or mowing down visitors to London Bridge, opts
to seek out Wistin and exact his revenge on the man who fired the drone missile.
Wistin is already in mourning, having just lost his
father. He not only mourns, but laments
not spending more time with his dad as he withered away in a nursing home. The
film clearly makes the connection between ignoring the elderly and bombing
foreign countries indiscriminately.
During this difficult time, his wife Ellen, played by
Mary McCormack, decides it is opportune to have an affair, casually discarding
the trauma her husband is enduring and ignoring the comfortable lifestyle he
has provided for her. Into this
dysfunction, comes Imir with his own agenda.
Director Jason Bourque orchestrates the film
haphazardly. He begins DRONE
with a plodding pace, despite periodic shock scenes. While the pace quickens in the final reels,
the action is nonsensical. When
confronted with Ellen’s infidelity, Neil pleads for her life, even as she rails
against him for being a CIA operative. The
message is clear: Infidelity is
permissible, while fighting terrorists is reprehensible.
The climax is centered around the nobility of Imir
and his people and the evil of Neil and America. Sounds like something only Elizabeth Warren
or Nancy Pelosi or those poor misguided souls who think Hillary lost the
election because of Russian interference, could find plausible.
Scriptwriter Paul Birkett, working with Bourque,
fills the tale with rather large holes.
For example: While returning home
from work, Neil hears a radio report detailing the leak and exposure of
government operatives’ names. He makes
no connection between the report and the strange Pakistani man lurking around
his house, mere moments after hearing the news.
Let’s take a look at the report card for DRONE:
1.2 ACTING = C
1.6 SCRIPT = F
1.8 SFX = C
1.9 ACTION = D
The great reveal in DRONE is too
predictable. Most viewers will be aware
of it midway through the film. While
it’s beneficial for a film like this to provide teeth cutting for folks in film
school, it’s not a film intended for American audiences. Only a people with open border policies, who
have not yet been involved in a terror attack could put any credence into the
ideologies presented in DRONE.
Sean Bean is a solid actor. He deserves more than this script provides. In fact, we all do.
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